The Social Employee @SocialEmployee is an Amazon Best Seller!

The Social EmployeeMcGrawHill_RedOne underlying theme in our book The Social Employee: How Great Companies Make Social Media Work, available now through McGraw-Hill, is the idea that establishing real connections with real people matters. While some have feared that the advent of social media would depersonalize and dehumanize both professional relationships and friendships, we’ve found the opposite to be true.

Everyone has something to sell in the digital bazaar, and the only way to sort through the tangle of data, branding messages, and calls to action is to find a community of people you trust. As members of these communities, we share what we learn, pass on the good, and steer each other away from the not-so-good. Without these authentic voices to help guide us through, any one of us could get lost in this digital maze rather quickly.

As a community, we amplify each other’s voices, working to drive social change in the marketplace as one unified voice.

So, it is with that spirit of gratitude that we are honored to celebrate the release of The Social Employee with so many of our trusted colleagues. Our new trailer puts the people who helped make this book possible front and center, letting their words speak not only for the ideals shared in our book, but for the ideals that we feel define our community.

Video _2_SE_FW_FINAL

A special thank you to the contributions of people like Kevin Randall (@kevinbrandall), Jez Frampton (@jezframpton), Ann Handley (@MarketingProfs), Mari Smith (@MariSmith), David Armano (@armano), Simon Mainwaring (@SimonMainwaring), and Kevin Lane Keller for their powerful words in helping us to celebrate The Social Employee. And special thanks once again to Dylan Hoffmann for his fantastic animation and editing!

In truth, we are grateful to more people than we can possibly name here, so we have made our acknowledgement letter in

The Social Employee available as a free download. If you want to see who is really driving change in this industry, we highly recommend giving it a read.

In The Social Employee, we go behind the scenes with several leading brands-IBM, AT&T, Dell, Adobe, Southwest Airlines, Cisco, Acxiom, and Domo-pulling the lid off the inspiring social business success stories that have propelled these companies into the 21st century. These cutting-edge brands have all come to the same realization: the path to social business lies through empowering the social employee.

Make no mistake; the @SocialEmployee Revolution is here. What is your brand doing to get ready?

If you missed our first book trailer, please click the image below.



Peak inside The Social Employee and order your copy today!


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